Weight loss challenge competition Winner 2014

"Victoria Brymer Weight loss challenge competition Winner 2014"

End Size : 12
End Weight : 12 Stone

I found out about Herbalife when a flyer dropped through my front door from local Wellness Coach, Angela Pollard at the end of March in 2014. I’d heard about Herbalife before and knew it could be successful – that flyer falling on my doormat was like fate! It was just the push I needed to get started…

My eating habits hadn’t been great. I would often skip breakfast, sometimes even lunch. But then I’d make up for it in the evening – eating big portions of pasta bake and pizza or snacking on chocolate and crisps. The real downfall however was diet coke – I drank so much of it!

Getting started on Herbalife was simple. I would have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch with a healthy evening meal – no calorie counting or points, it couldn’t have been easier. For snacks, I’d have protein bars and I increased my intake of vegetables. The weekly weight loss challenge meet-ups were a brilliant source of support too. Everybody was in the same mindset and I picked up so many tips about healthy eating, fibre, fat and fitness – it was a real education in nutrition.  

Losing the weight for me has been incredible. I have more confidence, more energy and I am so much happier in myself. Now I love exercise too, something I never really did before. I go to weekly fit clubs and I walk as much as I can. I even took up jogging in the summer and exercise every morning when I get up. I realise now that it’s all about moving more and eating the right things – two very simple, but effective solutions that really worked for me.


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