Excise free Fitness Tip

"We're both in excellent health!"

Connie before: 198 pounds.
Connie after: 131 pounds.
Net Change: 67 pounds

Mike before: 238 pounds.
Mike after: 198 pounds.
Net Change: 40 pounds

- She needed to lose weight fast,
 but she also wanted to keep it off.  - 
Needed to lose weight fast:
Connie Moscati was a size 20 with a size 11 wedding dress that she was planning to wear in three months. She needed to lose weight fast, but she also wanted to keep it off. In addition, she had been in poor health for the past few years, and she suspected her weight to be a contributing factor.

Started feeling better immediately:
"I had been introduced to Herbalife several years ago, and I knew the products were good. So when I saw an Herbalife sign in front of a neighbor's house, I thought it could be my ticket to weight loss," Connie recalls. "And when I started feeling more energetic, my fiance–now my husband–Mike, wanted to try Herbalife’s Thermojetics® Weight-Management Programs too."

Lost 67 pounds in six months:
"I lost 30 pounds in three months and fit into my wedding dress perfectly! By the end of six months, I lost 67 pounds and went from a size 20 dress to a size 6, and I've kept it off for almost two years!" exudes Connie. "Mike lost 40 pounds in just two months and went from a size 40 pants to a size 34, and has kept the weight off as well."

Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®

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  is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% discount on all purchases. 

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Please purchase our product below 500 $. after getting result then only order more than 500 $.
Very very Important role is kindly Purchase with your own Cards. if you conversation with your sponsor mail we will support you to lose Weight and all. 

Weight Loss Tips & the proof of Ashley Family

 "People couldn't believe my energy level was so high"
Ashley before:: 145 pounds
Ashley after: 118 pounds
Net Change: 27 pounds

Tim before:: 287 pounds
Tim after: 178 pounds
Net Change: 109 pounds

 - When my doctor told me I was at risk  for a stroke, I realized that I had to do something about my weight. - 
Sudden health concerns:
Except for being overweight, Tim Killebrew had always been healthy as a horse. "All of a sudden, my blood pressure shot up," he remembers. "When my doctor told me I was at risk for a stroke, I realized that I had to do something about my weight."

100 pound-loss in eight months:
Tim started on the Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Weight-Management Program and never looked back. "People couldn't believe my energy level was so high," Tim recalls.

All in the family:
Tim's weight loss also inspired his family members to give Thermojetics® a try. "After seeing my father lose 109 pounds, I decided to give Herbalife a try," says Tim’s daughter Ashley. "I lost 27 pounds and have been able to keep the weight off! I think I can help young people realize that they too can lose weight and feel great about themselves!"

Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

Herbalife®  Ultimate Program:
•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®
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  is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% discount on all purchases. 

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Don't get exited after successfully log in, Our company will give 35%, 42%, & 50% discount also.
Please purchase our product below 500 $. after getting result then only order more than 500 $.
Very very Important role is kindly Purchase with your own Cards. if you conversation with your sponsor mail we will support you to lose Weight and all. 

Weight Loss Tips & Proof of Mike Family

"Herbalife is a miracle that changed our lives!"
Mike before:: 280 pounds
Mike after: 215 pounds
Net Change: 65 pounds

Karen before:: 235 pounds
Karen after: 163 pounds
Net Change: 72 pounds

A sedentary lifestyle:
As Mike and Karen Dopson tell it they were both "couch potatoes." "We were tired, stressed-out people," says Karen, "and being overweight didn't help. After work we had no energy left for fun."

A "special" weight-loss delivery:
"I was a UPS driver and my new delivery route led me directly to an Herbalife Distributor's door," Mike recalls. "The couple that lived there worked at home and seemed so happy all the time. So I asked them about the products and soon after Karen and I started following the Thermojetics® Green Weight-Management Program."
Fast results:
Mike soon lost 30 pounds, and Karen lost 25 pounds. Both say that when they switched to the Thermojetics® Gold High-Protein, Low-Carb Weight-Management Program, they lost even more weight. "We not only feel better without all that excess weight, but we look younger, too," says Karen.*
Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

Herbalife®  Ultimate Program:
•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®
Get your Distributor ID and PIN code online and gain immediate access to MyHerbalife.com
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Distributor  is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% discount on all purchases. 

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First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →    SEN 
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This professional kit contains all the information and forms you need to get started.
Don't get exited after successfully log in, Our company will give 35%, 42%, & 50% discount also.
Please purchase our product below 500 $. after getting result then only order more than 500 $.
Very very Important role is kindly Purchase with your own Cards. if you conversation with your sponsor mail we will support you to lose Weight and all. 

Weight Loss Tips & Proof

"I'm finally in control of my weight again."

John before: 225 pounds.
John after: 165 pounds.
Net Change: 60 pounds

Charlotte before: 285 pounds.
Charlotte after: 140 pounds.
Net Change: 145 pounds

- Her husband, John, also had a weight problem,
 and suffered from debilitating back
 pain as a result of his excess pounds.  - 
A family weight problem:
Charlotte Lawson struggled with excess weight from her earliest years. She remembers the humiliation of always being the heaviest child in her class. Her husband, John, also had a weight problem, and suffered from debilitating back pain as a result of his excess pounds. When their daughter, Jillene, lost a modeling contract at the age of 18 because her face was too plump, a friend introduced her to Herbalife Weight Management Programs.
Doubt turns to faith:
"Years of trying to lose weight had convinced me that diets didn't work," says Charlotte. "Every time I heard my daughter blending her shake in the morning I got annoyed and felt she was being taken advantage of." But when Jillene began to lose weight, her parents soon followed their daughter's lead and began to use the products, too.
A shared weight-loss triumph:
Charlotte went from a size 24 to a size 10, and John dropped from a pant size 38 to a size 33. Says Charlotte, "I love the fact that Herbalife rewards you for losing weight and taking care of yourself. Now I'm changing other peoples’ lives too and it feels great.
Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

Herbalife®  Ultimate Program:
•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®
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  is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% discount on all purchases. 

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This professional kit contains all the information and forms you need to get started.
Don't get exited after successfully log in, Our company will give 35%, 42%, & 50% discount also.
Please purchase our product below 500 $. after getting result then only order more than 500 $.
Very very Important role is kindly Purchase with your own Cards. if you conversation with your sponsor mail we will support you to lose Weight and all. 

Easy Weight Loss Tips

We're having a blast sharing our success with others!"

AfterCharles Before: 240 pounds
Charles After: 182 pounds
Net Change: 58 pounds

Angelena Before: 154 pounds
Angelena After: 124 pounds
Net Change: 30 pounds

Waking up to reality:
Charles Hehn was in a drive-through ordering coffee when he fell asleep at the wheel, requiring someone to come outside to wake him up. That night his wife, Angelena, a nurse, knew something needed to be done. Angelena discovered Herbalife and asked her husband to try it. After seeing his success, she decided that the products could help her lose her pregnancy weight. "I figured if it worked for Charles it could work for anyone," she says.

Full of vim and vigor:
After Charles discovered the Thermojetics® Green Weight-Management Program, his life changed almost immediately. He dropped 20 pounds and nearly 20 inches in the first month and his blood pressure was soon within a normal range. Angelena was following in his footsteps and within three months she had lost 30 pounds. "We had a life again and it was wonderful," she exalts.

A new lease on life:
Using Herbalife's products has allowed the Hehns to lead a healthy lifestyle while still being able to live a normal life. They have pizza each Friday with the kids, and eat out at their favorite restaurants. In fact, the couple has come to love the products so much that they started an Herbalife business. "We are just having a blast sharing our success and the products with others," beams Angelena. *

Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®
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  is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% discount on all purchases. 

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This professional kit contains all the information and forms you need to get started.
Don't get exited after successfully log in, Our company will give 35%, 42%, & 50% discount also.
Please purchase our product below 500 $. after getting result then only order more than 500 $.
Very very Important role is kindly Purchase with your own Cards. if you conversation with your sponsor mail we will support you to lose Weight and all.