Di Suter Real weight lose Story

Di Suter - from Gran to Glam!
My name is Di and I was an overweight, 50-year-old who had been merely existing for the past three years. After a depressing retrenchment, I comfort ate and nothing brought me any joy! B

ut as luck would have it, I found Herbalife and it was the kick-start that I needed to a better me. I lost weight consistently over the next three months. With each passing week I started to feel better about myself and losing 6.3 kilos was a prize in itself. I know how to continue losing weight healthily until I reach my goal weight. My whole outlook has changed and I feel on top of the world and have a new joie de vivre. Thank you Herbalife and for the support of my Herbalife coach. Di Suter tip: I found I saved a huge amount of money that I used to spend on junk food and treats!
Food diary: Breakfast and Lunch: Formula 1 Protein Shake. Snacks: Thermojetics® High-Protein, Low-Carb Protein Bar. Dinner: "Whatever I wanted."

Key motivator: "I was really unhappy with how I looked and I was so depressed. I knew I wasn't taking full advantage of my potential because I was overweight."

Best diet tip:"Make the commitment and be dedicated to achieving solid weight-loss results."
Favorite thin n' fit activity: "Running on a treadmill. I didn't exercise when I was trying to lose weight, but now I have so much energy that I just love it."

•Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
•Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
•Formula 3 Cell Activator®
•Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
•Total Control®‡
•Snack Defense®
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